Simplified School Picture Management
The Lifetouch Portal is your one-stop–shop and web-based platform that provides schools a safe and secure means of transacting with Lifetouch for Picture Day and Yearbook events.
Working with schools gives us first-hand knowledge of the challenges you face every day. When you told us that you needed a faster, easier and even safer way to manage student data and access your images, we did something about it. Portal provides access to Lifetouch services in one convenient location. You’ll not only save time, but you’ll also have peace of mind knowing that your information has the highest level of security.
Prior to Picture Day, the Lifetouch Portal is how your school provides Lifetouch essential data for Picture Day. Schools can also download extra, digital Picture Day reminders and send automated email reminders to parents.
After Picture Day, schools can safely access student images – forget the hassle of CDs or unsecure emails for managing school pictures! Your school will love easily creating photo-customized awards, certificates, photo directories, class seating charts, ID cards and more.
The Lifetouch Portal eliminates hassle and gives you control:
- Easy access to Picture Day images
- Eliminate risk of losing CDs or DVDs
- Retrieve student images and data for your school’s student information system
- Automate Picture Day and yearbook communications to parents
- Create and print Reward & Recognition certificates
- Save time and money by going green
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